2024-25 Bronx Conservatory Terms of Enrollment and Payment Policies
1. Registration Fee
A non-refundable $35 registration fee is payable upon enrollment. Only one fee is charged per family per semester.
2. Tuition and Payment Terms
One-on-one lesson tuition at the Bronx Conservatory of Music is among the most affordable in the greater New York City area. Tuition is charged upfront on a semester basis, and our semester is 15 weeks in length. Students may register later into the semester (subject to availability) and tuition will be pro-rated accordingly.
A payment installment plan is offered in which the fees and 50% of tuition are due before the first week of the semester and the remaining tuition is due by the fourth week of the term. If the remaining tuition balance is not paid by the due date, students will lose their lesson time. There is a $20 (per family) installment fee for this service. The payer will provide their payment information to the Bronx Conservatory at the time of their first payment, and by doing so, authorize the Bronx Conservatory of Music to debit their credit or debit card at the fifth week of the term for the second payment.
3. Missed and Cancelled Lessons
Make-up lessons will be offered for any lesson missed by the teacher or cancelled by the school. In the event make-up lessons cannot be rescheduled, credits/refunds will be applied. Parents and students are responsible for all other missed classes. Teachers are not required to make up lessons that are missed or cancelled by students. If students miss three or more lessons in a row without notification to the Conservatory, their time slot may be rescheduled with another student.
4. Withdrawal and Discontinuance
A written request for withdrawal must be submitted to be eligible for a refund. There will be a refund of 50% of the semester’s unused tuition if withdrawal occurs within the first four weeks of the semester. A 25% refund of unused tuition will be applied for withdrawals in the 5th and 6th weeks. No refund is granted after the 6th week. A $30 withdrawal fee will be deducted from any refunds due. The Conservatory reserves the right to discontinue any student whose behavior is unsatisfactory; this includes frequent absences (two or more consecutive absences without notice), tardiness, disruptive behavior, or failure to observe the authority of teachers or administrators. In such cases, tuition for remaining weeks will be assessed according to the withdrawal policy as of the date lessons are discontinued by the Conservatory.
5. Instrument and Student Material Policy
Students are required to purchase instruments and materials necessary for study by the second week of enrollment at the Bronx Conservatory of Music. Failure to acquire instruments and materials may result in disqualification from study at the Conservatory. The Conservatory has a lending library of instruments available and can loan instruments to students when possible. For information about where to rent or purchase instruments, please contact your child’s teacher or the school office.
6. Distance Learning Policy
The Bronx Conservatory of Music philosophy is that in-person lessons are the gold standard of musical training, but we understand it is not always possible for all, so we do offer an online option. In-person study is of course always subject to the determinations of our host institutions, the Bronx Community College and Bronx Charter School for the Arts. If at any time it is deemed necessary, whether by BCC, Bronx Arts, or the Bronx Conservatory of Music board, to return to distance learning due to emergent public health concerns, the following terms apply.
For online learning, students and/or parents are responsible for setting up an account on the Zoom application and for obtaining the appropriate devices in order to successfully participate in distance learning. Students must be prompt to their distance learning lesson time. Teachers are not required to make up lessons if students or parents cancel regularly scheduled lessons. BCM is not responsible for technical issues that arise from the student’s or guardian’s devices; however, we will do our best to accommodate situations if they occur. Lessons that are disrupted due to a teacher’s technological complications will be made up by the teacher at a mutually convenient time. Students under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian present for all virtual lessons. If an adult is not present during a distance learning lesson, the teacher reserves the right to end the lesson immediately.
7. Release of Liability
As the legal parent, guardian, or adult student, I release, indemnify and hold harmless Bronx Conservatory of Music Inc., its directors, officers, managers, employees, contractors and agents (“Bronx Conservatory of Music Parties”) from and against any and all liability, claims, demands and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury that may be sustained by the student and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of any of the Bronx Conservatory of Music Parties, in route to or from any said premises, or during any session of distance learning regardless of the location of the student during such session.
8. Media Release
I, on behalf of myself as parent, legal guardian, or adult student and on behalf of the minor(s) registered by me, grant to The Bronx Conservatory of Music, Inc. its licensees, assignees and successors the right to reproduce, manufacture, sell, distribute, and exhibit photographs and/or likeness of the minor(s) to advertise its activities and programs as it shall determine on printed advertisements and publicity material of all types including, without limitation, flyers, posters, brochures, press releases and press kits, videos, broadcasts, and the internet.